August 2, 2010


yip, I'm grumpy ... had 4 wisdom teeth out a couple of days ago ... have a mouth full of stitches, cheeks like a chipmunk... have never eaten so much jelly and banana smoothies in my life ... all I want is a burger and I'm still a few days away from that...

grumpier still ... while trawling through NZ craft sites I found several peeps selling beanies like mine ... the strawberry design seems popular ... now I don't exactly spend 25 hours a day pushing my beanies to world domination, but I didn't think in a small nation people would be so obvious...

grumpiest ... that I'm back at work and can't spend anymore recovery days in front of the telly knitting!!


Catherynne said...

Bummer about the teeth and general out-of-sortiness, but even bigger bummer about not slobbing in front of the box knitting. Especially on a day like today. I suggest going home early. Yeah.

grannyg said...

urgh!! poor grumps!